
10 January 2024 - Release Notes

  • Input validation and sanitization of the token fund (debit card) endpoint πŸ’³
  • Improvements and fixes for handling ACH return files

Avenu API Release Notes 1.9.0


Input validation and sanitization of the token fund (debit card) endpoint

This release includes enhancing the endpoint to enforce size, format, and mandatory restrictions on parameters. Error response codes were also enhanced to provide and present concise and specific feedback.

Improvements and fixes for handling ACH return files

We have updated how we handle empty ACH return files from our vendor, as well as fixed an issue related to the processing and issuing of the payment webhook notification for returns.

What's New?

The following release notes detail the updates we have included in this release.

Input validation and sanitization of the token fund (debit card) endpoint

POST {avenu_base_url}/customer/v1/token/fund

The endpoint is now enforcing size, format, and mandatory restrictions on parameters. Error response codes have also been updated to provide a more meaningful message to the calling application/customer regarding the field(s) in error.

Input Parameters

ParameterSize/Absolute Value RestrictionsFormat RestrictionsRequiredType
amount >=100 and <= 100000Funding amount in the lowest currency (cents)YNumeric
currency3 ISO 4217YString
cardType50Should accept "TOKEN" onlyYAlpha
cardholderFirstName50No special characters (" !"#$%'*+.:;<=>?@[]^_`{|}~")YAlpha
cardholderLastName50No special characters (" !"#$%'*+.:;<=>?@[]^_`{|}~")YAlpha
cardholderCompany100No special characters " !"#$%'*+.:;<=>?@[]^_`{|}~"

Except: ()'-&,/
cardholderCity100No special characters (" !"#$%'*+.:;<=>?@[]^_`{|}~")YAlpha
cardholderState2ISO 3166-2:USYAlpha
cardholderZip9No dashes

Has to be minimum of 5 digits or 9 digits if more than 5.
cardholderCountry2ISO 3166 - alpha 2NAlpha
cardholderPhone10No special characters (" !"#$%'*+:;<=>?[]^_`{|}~")

No dashes or hyphens
cardholderEmail320No special characters (" !"#$%'*+:;<=>?[]^_`{|}~")

Exception: β€œAt” sign - β€œ@” allowed directly preceding the domain name.

Alphanumeric prefix with the @ symbol followed by most common Top Level Domains (TLDs) .com/.co/.net/.org/.edu/.gov/.us

Error Codes

CategoryResponse CodeResponse Error Message
FormatAB3006 : Invalid Format
Size (S)AB3010 : Invalid Length
Required (R)AB3013 : Missing Required Field