10 July 2024 - Release Notes

  • Announcing the V2 dispute endpoint
  • deviceId now optional on complaint and dispute endpoints

12 June 2024 - Release Notes

  • 🛠️ Make attachments optional for Complaint endpoint
  • 🛠️ Fix timestamp parsing error reported during fraud vendor settlement processing

29 May 2024 - Release Notes

  • Applying 📆 ISO 8601 format for deviceFirstSeen and deviceLastSeen fields on Dispute endpoint
  • Applying 📆 ISO 8601 format for deviceFirstSeen and deviceLastSeen fields on Payment endpoint
  • (Part 1️⃣) Automated processing of disputes in Avenu based on decision made in Compliance Monitoring System
  • Establishing the cardinality of one Dispute per Transaction
  • Additional Dispute Type values for disputeType ENUM
  • 🛠️ Fix: Allowing hyphens in the deviceLocation field on the Customer Onboarding endpoint

15 May 2024 - Release Notes

  • (Part 2️⃣) Completing the implementation to perform partial refunds against an original ACH_TRANSFER

1 May 2024 - Release Notes

  • Extending the Payments List endpoint to facilitate efficient pagination

17 April 2024 - Release Notes

  • Rationalization of the processing for ACH Debit and ACH Credit returns
  • (Part 1️⃣) Setting up the ability to perform partial refunds against an original ACH_TRANSFER

3 April 2024 - Release Notes

  • Part 2 of implementing iFrame for KYC ID Scans and Liveliness 💯

20 March 2024 - Release Notes

  • Providing actionable feedback for dormant accounts due to inactivity.
  • (Coming Soon‼️) Part 1 of implementing iFrame for KYC ID Scans and Liveliness

21 February 2024 - Release Notes

  • Extending the customer list endpoint to facilitate efficient pagination.

24 January 2024 - Release Notes

  • New client admin transfer refund endpoint
  • Fix for customer onboarding endpoint deviceFirstSeen and deviceLastSeen fields