
18 September 2024 - Release Notes

  • Customer status webhook notifications ⚡
  • New Client Admin GET customer balance endpoint
  • New Client Admin GET customer profile endpoint
  • Validation for images on idScans endpoint
  • 🛠️ Fixing inconsistent type for Returns webhook notifications
  • 🛠️ Error handling for V2 dispute endpoint
  • 🛠️ Error handling for customer onboarding endpoint

Avenu API Release Notes 1.11.5

What's New?

Customer status webhook notifications ⚡

The new customer status webhook notifications will provide updates when the Avenu customer status changes, which will help reduce the need for polling the customer status endpoint for updates. In addition, there are enhanced descriptions provided with the customer status webhook notifications to provide additional details around the onboarding process and next steps.

Check out the new sample payloads for the notifications!

New Client Admin GET customer balance endpoint

Introducing a new endpoint to allow client admin authorization for obtaining their customers' current and available balances. This can be especially useful for clients implementing a customer service dashboard, to better service and facilitate help for their customers.

Pass the client access token as Bearer in the header along with the customer's account number as parameter to:


Example response

    "customerAccountNumber": "",
    "availableBalance": 0,
    "currentBalance": 0,
    "currency": "USD"

New Client Admin GET customer profile endpoint

Introducing a new endpoint to allow client admin authorization for obtaining their customers' profile details. This can be especially useful for clients implementing a customer service dashboard, to better service and facilitate help for their customers.

Pass the client access token as Bearer in the header along with the customer's account number as parameter to:


Example response

    "customerAccountNumber": "",
    "address": "",
    "city": "",
    "state": "",
    "zipCode": "",
    "country": "",
    "citizenship": "",
    "email": "",
    "mobilePhone": ""

Validation for images on idScans endpoint

Avenu customer onboarding requires a Social Security Number to be supplied as the first government ID. The secondary government ID can be one of either Drivers License, ID Card, or Passport. For those customers returning ID_SCAN status, which indicates the customer must provide images of their secondary government ID, when providing Drivers License or ID Card both the front and back image must be supplied. For Passports, only one image is required. The additional validation added now checks to ensure both image and backImage are supplied to the idScans endpoint for Drivers License and ID Card types.

Example of error response when only image is supplied for Drivers License and ID Card.

    "code": "AA3001",
    "message": "Required fields missing data"

🛠️ What's being fixed?

Fixing inconsistent type for Returns webhook notifications

The PENDING status webhook notification for return transactions was inconsistently sending the transactionType as ACH. With this fix, it is now consistent with the transactionType for SETTLED status webhook notifications using transactionType ACH_RETURN.

Example PENDING notification payload for ACH returns

  "type": "payment",
  "created_at": "2024-09-18T12:28:48.827613Z",
  "data": {
    "customer": {
      "accountNumber": "12345"
    "transaction": {
      "id": "1234abcd",
      "type": "ACH_RETURN",
      "status": "PENDING",
      "transactionResponse": {
        "type": "ACH_RETURN",
        "description": "R07:Authorization Revoked by Customer",
        "dateUpdated": "2024-09-18"

Error handling for V2 dispute endpoint

The error handling has been updated for the V2 dispute endpoint to provide more helpful and useful information when there is a validation error. Please refer to the below table for updated error codes:

FormatAE3001 : Invalid Format
RequiredAE3000 : Missing Required Field
AmountAE3003 : Invalid Amount
DataAE3002 : Invalid Data
DuplicateAE3004 : Duplicate Dispute for Transaction

Error handling for customer onboarding endpoint

We have fixed the validation that was previously allowing null values for the idExpirationDate field on Driver License, ID Card, and Passport. Avenu also now validates that the idIssueDate is a present or past date and that it is prior to the idExpirationDate.

Example error response for idIssueDate not being prior to idExpirationDate

    "errorCodeMessageList": [
            "code": "AA8004",
            "message": "GovId Issued Date - Invalid Data Structure"
    "message": "List of parameters are invalid"

Example error response for missing idExpirationDate

    "errorCodeMessageList": [
            "code": "CA3000",
            "message": "GovId Expiration Date - Missing Required Field"
    "message": "List of parameters are invalid"