
19 October 2023 - Release Notes

  • Enhancement to transfer endpoint
  • Update to GET payment status endpoint
  • Payment webhook status notification enhancements 💰

Avenu API Release Notes 1.8.2


Enhancement to transfer endpoint

The update enables the sub-ledger event for the new ACH transfer flow to settle immediately. We also fixed input validation so the correct response error codes will display.

Update to GET payment status endpoint

We've updated the payment status endpoint to now provide the transaction response from authorization and capture stages in the payment flow.

Payment webhook status notification enhancements

The payment webhook status notifications have been updated to include the sub-statuses from the authorization and capture stages in the payment flow.

What's New?

The following release notes detail the updates we have included in this release.

Update to GET payment status endpoint

GET {prefix}/payment/status/{paymentId}

Polling the payment status endpoint will now provide transactionResponse object and details around the transaction flow status.

Example Response

    "paymentId": "",
    "status": "",
    "transactionResponse": {
        "transactionResponseType": "",
        "description": "",
        "dateUpdated": ""

Payment webhook status notification enhancements

Webhook status notifications have been enhanced to provide further insight and information as transactions process through towards settlement. The debit card fund flow now provides notifications for authorization and capture, in addition to the notifications on payment start, fraud check, and sub-ledger update.

Example JSON payload for debit card fund authorization

  "type": "payment",
  "created_at": "2021-12-07T00:21:40.670058Z",
  "data": {
    "customer": {
        "accountNumber" : "12345"
    "transaction": {        
        "id": "12345abc",
        "type": "DEBIT_CARD_FUND",
        "status": "PENDING",
        "transactionResponse": {
            "type": "AUTHORIZED",
            "description": "Transaction Accepted",
            "dateUpdated": "2021-12-07T00:21:40.670058Z"