
21 February 2024 - Release Notes

  • Extending the customer list endpoint to facilitate efficient pagination.

Avenu API Release Notes 1.9.3


Extending the customer list endpoint to facilitate efficient pagination

This enhancement entails extending the endpoint by adding the total number of customers to the response. This will allow any front end application to implement an effective and intuitive pagination scheme.

What's New?

The following release notes detail the updates we have included in this release.

New client admin transfer refund endpoint

GET {avenu_base_url}/client/v1/list/customers

This will allow any front end application to implement an effective and intuitive pagination scheme for the list of customers that provides the entire breadth of ability to traverse through it. By having the total number of customers as a reference point, standard pagination mechanisms can now calculate the total number of pages as well as the ability to “jump” to the final or first page thereby implementing a “VCR buttons” like paradigm for pagination.

Example Response

    "pagination": {
        "next": "client/v1/list/customers?limit=10&page=2",
        "totalCustomers": 1389
    "customers": [
        { ...