
15 June 2023 - Release Notes

  • Introducing Webhooks! 🎣
  • Performance improvement for GET Payment Details endpoint

Avenu API Release Notes 1.7.10


What's New?

The following release notes detail the updates we have included in this release.

Webhook - Payments

Avenu has its first webhook! We now support real-time push notifications for paymentStatus changes. This new enhancement supports the following:

  • ACH Payments - Payment to/from an ACH account
  • Avenu Payments - Payment between Avenu customers
  • Debit_Card_Fund - Denotes a debit card funding

With this new enhancement a client's application will no longer need to "poll" our services to get status updates on a payment. By subscribing to this webhook the client's application will receive a 'push' update that can be ingested. This is a very exciting QoL improvement and we look forward to implementing more in the future.