
29 May 2024 - Release Notes

  • Applying 📆 ISO 8601 format for deviceFirstSeen and deviceLastSeen fields on Dispute endpoint
  • Applying 📆 ISO 8601 format for deviceFirstSeen and deviceLastSeen fields on Payment endpoint
  • (Part 1️⃣) Automated processing of disputes in Avenu based on decision made in Compliance Monitoring System
  • Establishing the cardinality of one Dispute per Transaction
  • Additional Dispute Type values for disputeType ENUM
  • 🛠️ Fix: Allowing hyphens in the deviceLocation field on the Customer Onboarding endpoint

Avenu API Release Notes 1.10.3


Applying ISO 8601 format for deviceFirstSeen and deviceLastSeen fields on Dispute endpoint

Updating the fields to follow the YYYY-MM-DD date format per ISO 8601.

Applying ISO 8601 format for deviceFirstSeen and deviceLastSeen fields on Payment endpoint

Updating the fields to follow the YYYY-MM-DD date format per ISO 8601.

(Part 1️⃣) Automated processing of disputes in Avenu based on decision made in Compliance Monitoring System

This enhancement is the first step in automating the dispute process. In a subsequent release we will complete the dispute flow for an end-to-end automation with the Compliance Monitoring System and Avenu.

Establishing the cardinality of one Dispute per Transaction

This enhancement entails limiting a single dispute to be filed against each transaction in Avenu.

Additional Dispute Type values for disputeType ENUM

We have added additional options for values for this field to better capture why a transaction is being disputed.

🛠️ Fix: Allowing hyphens in the deviceLocation field on the Customer Onboarding endpoint

Hyphens were being disallowed, and throwing an error message, when included in the deviceLocation field during Customer Onboarding. This fix addresses that issue and now allows hyphens to be passed successfully for this field.

What's New?

The following release notes detail the updates we have included in this release.

Applying ISO 8601 format for deviceFirstSeen and deviceLastSeen fields on Dispute endpoint

The ISO 8601 standard prescribes that date stamps have to follow the YYYY-MM-DD date format as per ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD. This enhancement follows the continuous effort by Avenu to ensure that all input to it’s endpoints are well bounded and sanitized while following international standards for such fields.

Example [POST] request body

    "transactionID": "",
    "disputeReason": "",
    "disputeType": "",
    "declarationAcknowledged": true,
    "deviceIdentity": {
        "deviceId": "",
        "deviceType": "",
        "deviceName": "",
        "deviceOperatingSystem": "",
        "deviceIPAddress": "",
        "deviceLocation": "",
        "deviceLongitude": "",
        "deviceLatitude": "",
        "deviceUser": "",
        "deviceIMEINumber" : "",
        "deviceTorEnabled" : "",
        "deviceFirstSeen" : "2024-05-22",
        "deviceLastSeen" : "2024-05-29"

Applying ISO 8601 format for deviceFirstSeen and deviceLastSeen fields on Payment endpoint

The ISO 8601 standard prescribes that date stamps have to follow the YYYY-MM-DD date format as per ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD. This enhancement follows the continuous effort by Avenu to ensure that all input to it’s endpoints are well bounded and sanitized while following international standards for such fields.

Example [POST] request body

    "paymentType": "",
    "recipientAccount": {
        "customerAccountNumber": "",
        "achAccountNumber": "",
        "achRoutingNumber": "",
    "amount": "",
    "currency": "",
    "scheduledDate": "",
    "numberOfPayments": "",
    "paymentsInterval": "",
    "memo": "",
    "firstName" : "",
    "middleInitial" : "",
    "lastName" : "",
    "address" : "",
    "city" : "",
    "state" : "",
    "zipCode" : "",
    "country" : "",
    "deviceIdentity": {
        "deviceId": "",
        "deviceType": "",
        "deviceName": "",
        "deviceOperatingSystem": "",
        "deviceIPAddress": "",
        "deviceLocation": "",
        "deviceLongitude": "",
        "deviceLatitude": "",
        "deviceUser": "",
        "deviceIMEINumber" : "",
        "deviceTorEnabled" : "",
        "deviceFirstSeen" : "2024-05-22",
        "deviceLastSeen" : "2024-05-29"

(Part 1️⃣) Automated processing of disputes in Avenu based on decision made in Compliance Monitoring System

This enhancement entails automating the processing of disputes based on an action decision taken in the Compliance Monitoring System by the “Compliance” team. With the implementation of this new workflow, various actions will orchestrate disputes and chargebacks to eventually flow through to the customer and client sub ledgers in an end to end fashion.

Establishing the cardinality of one Dispute per Transaction

This enhancement entails limiting a single dispute to be filed against each transaction in Avenu so as to make sure that there are no multiple investigations for the same transaction. This ensures a streamlined due diligence process and facilitates a structured and timely resolution of the dispute management process.

Additional Dispute Type values for disputeType ENUM

Previously the value for the disputeType field was defaulted to "UNAUTHORIZED". We have added additional options for values for this field to better capture why a transaction is being disputed.

ENUM ValueDescription
UNAUTHORIZEDUnauthorized Transaction
INCORRECT_AMOUNTIncorrect amount sent to or from customer's account
TRANSACTION_OMITTEDTransaction omitted from statement
BOOKKEEPING_ERRORBookkeeping error relating to a transaction
INCORRECT_AMOUNT_AT_ATMReceipt of incorrect amount of money at an ATM
TRANSACTION_NOT_DEFINEDTransaction not properly identified
CLARIFICATION_REQUESTCustomer clarification request

What's Being Fixed 🛠️?

Allowing hyphens in the deviceLocation field on the Customer Onboarding endpoint

This defect resolution addresses the issue where “hyphens”/”dashes” were being disallowed for the “deviceLocation” field which is part of the “deviceIdentity” set of fields captured as part of the “Customer Onboarding” process. These fields provide vital pieces of information and a footprint to the Compliance team in case any investigation is required for a customer onboarding event. Typically, the customer would enter/provide a city name in this field. Disallowing hyphens was limiting the ability to provide cities with hyphens in them. The United States has several cities that have hyphens in them and this issue was preventing them from specifying those city names.