
7 August 2024 - Release Notes

  • Ability to have different URLs configured for different webhook notifications
  • 🛠️ Webhook notification when Concern is escalated to Compliant
  • 🛠️ Fix dispute webhook to send correct dispute ID
  • 🛠️ Fix concern webhook to send correct type
  • 🛠️ Return helpful error responses for all fields on customer onboarding endpoint
  • 🛠️ Update status appropriately when a customer submits ID Scans after the session is abandoned

Avenu API Release Notes 1.11.2


Ability to have different URL configured for different webhook notifications

We are introducing a new configuration that will allow clients to have different URLs to receive different types of webhook notifications.

🛠️ Webhook notification when Concern is escalated to Compliant

With this defect resolution the Avenu platform will now send a Complaint webhook status notification when a Concern is escalated to a Complaint.

🛠️ Fix dispute webhook to send correct dispute ID

Previously the Dispute status webhook notification was incorrectly picking up the original transaction ID, and with this fix will be sending the correct dispute ID.

🛠️ Fix concern webhook to send correct type

It was identified that one of the concern webhook status notifications was sending an incorrect type value, and this fix resolves this defect to send the correct type value of concern.

🛠️ Return helpful error responses for all fields on customer onboarding endpoint

Some fields in the response body of the customer onboarding call were not returning helpful error responses if the fields' values failed validation. We have updated the responses to include helpful error messages if a field does not pass validation.

🛠️ Update status appropriately when a customer submits idScans after the session is abandoned

Fixing the error handling from the KYC vendor in order to provide a better customer experience and more appropriate Avenu customer status update.

What's New?

Ability to have different URL configured for different webhook notifications

We are introducing a new configuration that will allow clients to have different URLs to receive different types of webhook notifications. Now a unique URL can be set to receive notifications for payment status updates, a different URL can be configured to receive dispute status notifications, and a third URL can be configured to receive concern/complaint status notifications. Please reach out to Avenu Support ([email protected]) if you would like to have multiple URLs configured for the different types of webhook notifications.

🛠️ What's being fixed?

Webhook notification when Concern is escalated to Compliant

Please see the example payload below for the webhook notification

  "type": "complaint",
  "data": {
    "customer": {
      "accountNumber": "8271230639835541"
    "transaction": {
      "id": "b094574a-0935-4f3e-a853-99ab91a4942f",
      "type": "COMPLAINT",
      "status": "ESCALATED",
      "transactionResponse": {
        "type": "ESCALATED_TO_COMPLAINT",
        "description": "Concern has been escalated to a complaint internally",
        "dateUpdated": "2024-05-07"
  "created_at": "2021-12-07T00:21:40.670058Z"

Fix dispute webhook to send correct dispute ID

Please see the example payload below for the webhook notification

  "type": "dispute",
  "data": {
    "customer": {
      "accountNumber": "6313280146131087"
    "transaction": {
      "id": "6f42051e-3e0b-4a30-b7b7-928ff0da3096",
      "type": "UNAUTHORIZED",
      "status": "RECEIVED",
      "transactionResponse": {
        "type": "UNAUTHORIZED",
        "description": "Dispute has been received by Avenu - pending review",
        "dateUpdated": "2024-05-07T23:03:24Z"
  "created_at": "2024-05-07T23:03:25.271972Z"

Fix concern webhook to send correct type

Please see the example payload below for the webhook notification

  "type": "concern",
  "created_at": "2021-12-07T00:21:40.670058Z",
  "data": {
    "customer": [
        "accountNumber": "12345"
    "transaction": [
        "id": "12345abc",
        "type": "CONCERN",
        "status": "CREATED",
        "transactionResponse" : {
          "type": "SUCCESS",
          "description": "Concern created in Case Management Tool",
          "dateUpdated": "2021-12-07T00:21:40.670058Z"

Return helpful error responses for all fields on customer onboarding endpoint

CategoryResponse CodeResponse Error Message
RequiredCA3000{Field Name} : Missing Required Field
SizeCA3107{Field Name} : Invalid Length
FormatCA3107{Field Name} : Invalid Format
RequiredCA3104Invalid Data

Example error response below

    "code": "CA3107",
    "message": "firstName: Invalid Length"

Update status appropriately when a customer submits idScans after the session is abandoned

When a customer is indicated for ID Scans and does not upload images of their ID within 24 hours, the session is considered abandoned with the KYC vendor. If the customer returns and attempts to upload images after 24 hours, Avenu will receive an error. With this resolution, upon receiving a non 2XX response Avenu will check and update the customer status appropriately based on the session status with the KYC vendor.