
9 Jan 2023 - Release Notes

  • New Suspend Customer Account Endpoint
  • New Close Customer Account Endpoint
  • Update to ID Scan Endpoint


The following release notes contain updated versions of the following endpoints:

  • client/v1/customer/suspend
  • client/v1/customer/close
  • onboard/v1/customer
  • onboard/v1/customer/idScans

If you have questions regarding the updates described in this document, please contact Avenu’s Support Department by email ([email protected]) or phone ().

What's New?

The following release notes detail the updates we have included in this release.

Client - Suspend Customer Account Implementation

POST {prefix}/customer/suspend

We have created a new endpoint that allows Client administrators to suspend customer accounts. A suspended account will be able to access statements, view balances, and view payment details. A suspended account will not be able to initiate or receive payments.

Example Request

    "customerId": "",
    "customerAccountNumber": "",
    "suspend": true, 
    "reason": "" 

Example Response

    "customerId": "",
    "customerAccountNumber": "",
    "status": "",       // Customer Account status - e.g, SUSPENDED .
    "reason": ""

Request Parameters

"customerId"StringYCustomer ID
"customerAccountNumber"StringYCustomer account number - indicates which customer account to suspend / unsuspend
"suspend"BooleanYTrue or False, whether to suspend / unsuspend a customer
"reason"StringYReason for suspension / unsuspension


G3006"Error - Missing required field"
G3015"Error - Invalid data structure"
G3024"Error - Invalid data"

Client - Close Customer Account Implementation

POST {prefix}/customer/close

We have created a new endpoint that allows Client administrators to close customer accounts. A closed account will not be able to access statements, view balances, view payment details, or send and receive payments. In order to close a customer account the account balance must be 0. Once customer account has been closed it cannot be reopened - the customer will have to create a new account.

Example Request

        "customerId": "",
        "customerAccountNumber": "",
        "reason": ""

Example Response

    "customerId": "",
    "customerAccountNumber": "",
    "status": "",       // Customer Account status - e.g, CLOSED .
    "reason": ""

Request Parameters

"customerId"StringYCustomer ID
"customerAccountNumber"StringYCustomer account number - indicates which customer account to close
"reason"StringYReason for closure


G3006"Error - Missing required field"
G3015"Error - Invalid data structure"
G3024"Error - Invalid data"


The following release notes detail the updates we have included in this release.

Fix - Some Government ID Fields Are Not Enforcing API Model

POST onboarding/v1/customer/idScans

In previous versions, when a client would publish a government ID as part of the customer onboarding process the Avenu API could allow empty or null fields as part of its model. The fields corrected were issueDate and SSN. These have been marked as required and fit the API Model requirements.