
21 September 2023 - Release Notes

  • New transfer endpoint
  • Updates to the Payment Status Webhook and payments endpoint
  • Sandbox customer onboarding defect resolutions

Avenu API Release Notes 1.8.0


New transfer endpoint to assist with remittance flows

A new endpoint for internal client transfers has been created. The transfer endpoint will help facilitate automatic transfers from the customer's account to the client MSB account. Updates to the Payment Status Webhook and statement endpoint are included with this release. Full details of the new endpoint can be found here.

Updates to the Payment Status Webhook and payments endpoint

As part of the rollout for the new transfer endpoint we've updated the Payment Status Webhook and payments endpoint to reflect the new payment type.

Sandbox Customer Onboarding Defect Resolutions

We've fixed the issue with onboarding customers to trigger a DISABLED or ID_SCAN status.

What's New?

The following release notes detail the updates we have included in this release.

Introduction of the new transfer endpoint

POST {prefix}/client/v1/transfer

We have created a new endpoint to help facilitate the movement of funds from a customer's account to the client's MSB account. The transfer endpoint will allow a customer to easily use their funds for a remittance workflow, specifically to send money internationally.

Example Request

  "customerAccount": {
          "achAccountNumber": ""         // Customer account number, routing number is hard coded
      "customerAuthorized" : {
        "authorizedBy" : "John Smith",           // Name
        "authorizationTimestampGMT" : "08/04/2023 HH:MM" //date and timestamp in GMT
      "amount": "",               // Amount will be postitive. The payment amount in lowest currency denomination e.g. cents. (Internal ONLY Negative for debit)
      "transferType": "",          // Pulls data from Account Array in client profile for corresponding ACH account number 
      "currency": "",             // Currency descriptor
      "memo": "",                 // A message to accompany the payment

Example Response

      "transfer": {
        "transferType": "REMITTANCE", // example from the first column in the account array
        "mainstreetBankAccount": {
          "transferAccountNumber": "",     
          "achRoutingNumber": ""
        "amount": xxx,
        "currency": "usd",
        "scheduledDate": "",
        "numberOfPayments": "",
        "paymentsInterval": "",
        "memo": "",
        "firstName" : "",
        "middleInitial" : "",
        "lastName" : "",
        "address" : "",
        "city" : "",
        "state" : "",
        "zipCode" : "",
        "country" : "",
        "authorizedBy" : "John Smith",   // Name
        "authorizationTimestampGMT" : "08/04/2023" //Date and timestamp
      "paymentId": "xxxx",    // UUID payment identifier
      "sender": "",           // sender account number
      "status": "",           // status of payment at end of transaction. See link below.
      "dateCreated": "",      // Transaction processed date in format ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD. See link below
      "dateUpdated": "",      // Date of last status update in format ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD
      "publicTraceNumber": "xxxxxxxx"

Full details on implementing this new endpoint can be found here.

Additional updates for the transfer endpoint

As part of the new transfer endpoint deployment we have updated our payments endpoint to support the new transfer payment type, and we have updated our Payment Status Webhook to reflect these changes as well.

A service has been created for the transfer endpoint that will append Transfer to [client name] to the memo field of each payment initiated through the transfer endpoint. Additional details can be found here.

The Payment Status Webhook has been enhanced to include ACH_TRANSFER payment type statuses. Additional details can be found here.

Sandbox - Customer Onboarding Defect Resolutions

Previously, if a customer was attempted to be onboarded in a "DISABLED" or "ID_SCAN" state a 503 error would occur with the message "An unknown error has occurred. Please contact a system administrator." This error no longer occurs and client testing of customer onboarding in Sandbox can continue.