
[POST] /client/v1/cancelach

Client admin cancel ACH transaction

The client admin cancel ACH transaction endpoint will allow clients to cancel individual ACH ODFI transactions while they are in PENDING status and before they have been added to a daily batch file. Avenu places transactions into batch files at four times throughout the business day: 8am, 12pm, 2pm, and 5pm Eastern Time. This means if an ACH transaction is made at 10am, the cancel request would need to be made before the batch file generation at 12pm. This endpoint is only authorized for client access tokens.

Example [POST] Request

  customerAccountNumber: "1234561234567890",
  sourceTransactionId: "a.transactionId",
  amount: 12345,
  memoDescription: "cancel reason"

Input Parameters

ParameterLength RestrictionsFormat RestrictionsRequired (Y/N)Type
customerAccountNumberExactly 16 digitsNumeric characters only (0-9)YString
sourceTransactionId36-45 (up-to)No special characters EXCEPT: ., - (Period), (Dash)YString
amountper current standards in AvenuNumbers only, can be negative or positive. Must match the original transaction amount.YNumber
memoDescription200 (up-to)No special charactersYString

Example Response

  customerAccountNumber: "1234561234567890",
  sourceTransactionId: "a.transactionId",
  amount: 12345,
  memoDescription: "cancel reason"

Error Codes

CategoryResponse CodeError Message
FormatCG3059<Field Name> : Invalid Format.
SizeCG3060<Field Name> : Invalid Length.
RequiredCG3061<Field Name> : Missing Required Field.
BusinessCG3062<Field Name> : Customer does not belong to this organization.
BusinessCG3063<Field Name> : Transaction does not match customer.
BusinessCG3064<Field Name> : This transaction does not qualify for cancellation. Please contact Avenu support.
BusinessCG3065<Field Name> : The amount does not match the original payment.