
[GET] /onboard/v1/customer/status

Get customer status

The get customer status endpoint allows for the retrieval of the current status of a customer. After a customer is onboarded their data will pass through several KYC (know-your-customer) vendor systems aimed at preventing money laundering and fraud. The status endpoint will provide information based on the response of those checks, and if any additional identification verification is required.

The request allows the newCustomerTag parameter as a string. When provided, Avenu's API will query the Customer Account and Customer Sub-ledger Event to retrieve the Customer Account Status.

Example [GET] Request


Query Parameter

ParameterFormatRequiredPossible Error Codes
"newCustomerTag"StringY1001, 1002, 1003

Example Response

    "newCustomerTag": "",
    "customerAccountNumber": "",
    "status": "",
    "statusInfo": "",
    "idScanUrl": ""

Response Elements





The customer's new customer tag. This value is set in during


prior to an account number being associated with the customer.


The Avenu customer account number is returned only after onboarding finalization (status code:




The customer's status code.

See Below


Additional information associated with status code.


URL for serving iFrame implementation of KYC ID scan and liveliness.

The status field will change depending on the value of accountStatus returned by the query. The following table illustrates possible response values and behavior. If a status of PENDING is returned, then the Avenu API is still awaiting a response from the KYC vendors and you should check back soon for an updated status.

Customer Status Codes

StatusHas Account Number?Description
PENDINGnoAccount is pending.
DISABLEDnoAccount is disabled. No payments can be made from/to this account.
ENABLEDYESAccount is enabled
ID_SCANnoCustomer needs to provide ID scan. statusInfo field contains the eKYC session ID.
FAILEDnoAs a result of an issue with the ID Scan (see table below for vendor responses and next steps)
REVIEWnoThe customer is being manually reviewed by the compliance team to determine onboarding outcome. statusInfo contains the eKYC session ID
ERRORnoUnknown App Error

eKYC vendor response (after a customer submits ID images) and next steps

eKYC Vendor Response (to Avenu) for ID ScanAvenu Customer StatusNext step in onboarding flow
Abandoned sessionFAILEDRestart onboarding from /onboard/v1/customer
TimeoutFAILEDRestart onboarding from /onboard/v1/customer
Scan errorID_SCANResubmit ID images via /onboard/v1/customer/idScansor for iFrame URL please restart onboarding from /onboard/v1/customer
ID not readableID_SCANResubmit ID images via /onboard/v1/customer/idScansor for iFrame URL please restart onboarding from /onboard/v1/customer
FailureFAILEDRestart onboarding from /onboard/v1/customer

How accountStatus can affect Avenu Customer Status

CustomerAccount accountStatus = PENDING{ status: 'PENDING', customerAccountNumber: null, statusInfo: null }
CustomerAccount accountStatus = PENDING AND accountKyc = ID_SCAN{ status: 'ID_SCAN', customerAccountNumber: null, statusInfo: [Idology KYC ID number] }
CustomerAccount accountStatus = SUSPENDED{ status: 'DISABLED', customerAccountNumber: null, statusInfo: null }
CustomerAccount accountStatus = CLOSED{ status: 'DISABLED', customerAccountNumber: null, statusInfo: null }
CustomerAccount accountStatus = OPEN{ status: 'ENABLED', customerAccountNumber: [customerAccountNumber], statusInfo: null }


1001"Missing required field"
1002"Invalid data structure"
1003"Invalid data"