
[POST] customer/v1/token/fund

Fund account via tokenized debit card

The tokenized fund endpoint allows customers to fund their account balance via transaction from an external debit card account. The card details are tokenized first, before being passed in the POST call as "paymentToken". The "cardType" for this transaction must be "TOKEN". Funds are not available immediately, they will display in the customer's current balance, but they require settlement before they display in the customer's available balance. All funding requests are made in the lowest possible denomination of a currency; eg a funding request for $1.00 USD will be sent as 100.

Example [POST] Request

        "amount" : "",
        "currency" : "",
        "memo" : "",
        "cardType" : "",
        "paymentToken" : "",
        "cardholderFirstname" : "",
        "cardholderLastname" : "",
        "cardholderCompany" : "",
        "cardholderAddress1" : "", 
        "cardholderAddress2" : "",
        "cardholderCity" : "",
        "cardholderState" : "",
        "cardholderZip" : "",
        "cardholderCountry" : "",
        "cardholderPhone" : "",
        "cardholderEmail" : "",

Input Parameters

ParameterSize/Absolute Value RestrictionsFormat RestrictionsRequiredType
amount >=100 and <= 100000Funding amount in the lowest currency (cents)YNumeric
currency3 ISO 4217YString
cardType50Should accept "TOKEN" onlyYAlpha
cardholderFirstName50No special characters (" !"#$%'*+.:;<=>?@[]^_`{|}~")YAlpha
cardholderLastName50No special characters (" !"#$%'*+.:;<=>?@[]^_`{|}~")YAlpha
cardholderCompany100No special characters " !"#$%'*+.:;<=>?@[]^_`{|}~"

Except: ()'-&,/
cardholderCity100No special characters (" !"#$%'*+.:;<=>?@[]^_`{|}~")YAlpha
cardholderState2ISO 3166-2:USYAlpha
cardholderZip9No dashes

Has to be minimum of 5 digits or 9 digits if more than 5.
cardholderCountry2ISO 3166 - alpha 2NAlpha
cardholderPhone10No special characters (" !"#$%'*+:;<=>?[]^_`{|}~")

No dashes or hyphens
cardholderEmail320No special characters (" !"#$%'*+:;<=>?[]^_`{|}~")

Exception: “At” sign - “@” allowed directly preceding the domain name.

Alphanumeric prefix with the @ symbol followed by most common Top Level Domains (TLDs) .com/.co/.net/.org/.edu/.gov/.us

Card Types

TOKENTokenized debit card informationRequires paymentToken

Example Response

    "fund" : {
        "amount" : "",
        "currency" : "",
        "memo" : "",
        "cardType" : "",
        "paymentToken" : "",
        "cardholderFirstname" : "",
        "cardholderLastname" : "",
        "cardholderCompany" : "",
        "cardholderAddress1" : "",
        "cardholderAddress2" : "",
        "cardholderCity" : "",
        "cardholderState" : "",
        "cardholderZip" : "",
        "cardholderCountry" : "",
        "cardholderPhone" : "",
        "cardholderEmail" : "",
    "transactionId" : "",
    "cardToken" : "",
    "status": "",
    "dateCreated": "",
    "dateUpdated": "",

Response Elements

(In addition to elements found in the input parameters)

transactionIdUUID payment identifier
cardTokenTokenized debit card information
statusStatus of payment at end of transaction. See Payments Overview.
dateCreatedTransaction processed date in format ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD.
dateUpdatedDate of last status update in format ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD

Error Codes

CategoryResponse CodeResponse Error Message
FormatAB3006 : Invalid Format
Size (S)AB3010 : Invalid Length
Required (R)AB3013 : Missing Required Field