
[GET] customer/v1/statements

Get recent statements

The statement endpoint is used to retrieve customer statements; lists of transactions within the statement period. Statements are created at the end of every month.

Example [GET] Request


Optional Filter Parameters

ParameterDescriptionFormatExample URL
"limit"Set the number of statements to return in the response.Integer{{avenu_base_url}}/customer/v1/statements?limit=2
"after"If specified, will only return statements with a statementDate after this date.YYYY-MM-DD{{avenu_base_url}}/customer/v1/statements?after=2022-11-15
"before"If specified, will only return statements with a statementDate before this date.YYYY-MM-DD{{avenu_base_url}}/customer/v1/statements?before=2024-09-30

Example Response

  "pagination": {
    "next": ""
  "statements": [
      "transactions": [
          "transactionId": "",
          "date": "",
          "categoryCode": "",
          "memo": "",
          "amount": 0,
          "runningBalance": 0,
          "outgoingAccountOwner": 0
      "statementId": "",
      "statementDate": "",
      "daysInPeriod": 0,
      "endingBalance": 0,
      "previousBalance": 0,
      "totalCredits": 0,
      "totalDebits": 0,
      "creditsAmount": 0,
      "debitsAmount": 0,
      "statementPeriod": "2024-05"

By providing a statementId the statement endpoint allows drilling down into a statement to see individual transactions and other more specific statement data.

Example [GET] Request


Request Parameter

"statementId"UUID StringY

Example Response

  "transactions": [
      "transactionId": "",
      "date": "",
      "categoryCode": "",
      "memo": "",
      "amount": xxx,
      "runningBalance": xxx,
      "outgoingAccountOwner": ""
  "statementId": "",
  "statementDate": "",
  "daysInPeriod": 0,
  "endingBalance": 0,
  "previousBalance": 0,
  "totalCredits": 0,
  "totalDebits": 0,
  "creditsAmount": 0,
  "debitsAmount": 0,
  "statementPeriod": "2024-05"

Response Elements

statementIdUUID statement identifier
statementDateStatement date in format ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD
daysInPeriodDays in statement period
endingBalanceEnding balance after current period
previousBalanceEnding balance after previous period
totalCreditsTotal number of credit transactions in period
totalDebitsTotal number of credit transactions in period
creditsAmountTotal sum of credit transactions in period
debitsAmountTotal sum of debit transactions in period
statementPeriodYear and Month of the statement period