[GET] customer/v1/statements
Get recent statements
The statement endpoint is used to retrieve customer statements; lists of transactions within the statement period. Statements are created at the end of every month.
Example [GET] Request
Optional Filter Parameters
Parameter | Description | Format | Example URL |
"limit" | Set the number of statements to return in the response. | Integer | {{avenu_base_url}}/customer/v1/statements?limit=2 |
"after" | If specified, will only return statements with a statementDate after this date. | YYYY-MM-DD | {{avenu_base_url}}/customer/v1/statements?after=2022-11-15 |
"before" | If specified, will only return statements with a statementDate before this date. | YYYY-MM-DD | {{avenu_base_url}}/customer/v1/statements?before=2024-09-30 |
Example Response
"pagination": {
"next": ""
"statements": [
"transactions": [
"transactionId": "",
"date": "",
"categoryCode": "",
"memo": "",
"amount": 0,
"runningBalance": 0,
"outgoingAccountOwner": 0
"statementId": "",
"statementDate": "",
"daysInPeriod": 0,
"endingBalance": 0,
"previousBalance": 0,
"totalCredits": 0,
"totalDebits": 0,
"creditsAmount": 0,
"debitsAmount": 0,
"statementPeriod": "2024-05"
By providing a statementId
the statement endpoint allows drilling down into a statement to see individual transactions and other more specific statement data.
Example [GET] Request
Request Parameter
Parameter | Format | Required |
"statementId" | UUID String | Y |
Example Response
"transactions": [
"transactionId": "",
"date": "",
"categoryCode": "",
"memo": "",
"amount": xxx,
"runningBalance": xxx,
"outgoingAccountOwner": ""
"statementId": "",
"statementDate": "",
"daysInPeriod": 0,
"endingBalance": 0,
"previousBalance": 0,
"totalCredits": 0,
"totalDebits": 0,
"creditsAmount": 0,
"debitsAmount": 0,
"statementPeriod": "2024-05"
Response Elements
Element | Details |
statementId | UUID statement identifier |
statementDate | Statement date in format ISO 8601 YYYY-MM-DD |
daysInPeriod | Days in statement period |
endingBalance | Ending balance after current period |
previousBalance | Ending balance after previous period |
totalCredits | Total number of credit transactions in period |
totalDebits | Total number of credit transactions in period |
creditsAmount | Total sum of credit transactions in period |
debitsAmount | Total sum of debit transactions in period |
statementPeriod | Year and Month of the statement period |
Updated 4 months ago